External Factors
Correlation with S&P
Additional Pop-up Information
Evolution of Correlations
Use Case
Correlation of the stock vs. the S&P 500. Correlations are currently calculated for periods of 30 trading days.
Correlation with Treasuries
Additional Pop-up Information
Evolution of Correlations
Use Case
Correlation of the stock vs. Treasuries. Correlations are currently calculated for periods of 30 trading days.
Correlation with Gold
Additional Pop-up Information
Evolution of Correlations
Use Case
Correlation of the stock vs. Gold. Correlations are currently calculated for periods of 30 trading days.
Correlation with Emerging Markets
Additional Pop-up Information
Evolution of Correlations
Use Case
Correlation of the stock vs. Emerging Market's equity. Correlations are currently calculated for periods of 30 trading days.
Correlation with Oil
Additional Pop-up Information
Evolution of Correlations
Use Case
Correlation of the stock vs. Oil. Correlations are currently calculated for periods of 30 trading days.
Performance S&P 5-day
Use Case
Price Performance S&P 5-day as of last Friday.
Performance S&P Year-to-date
Use Case
Price Performance S&P Year-to-date as of last Friday.
Performance Treasuries 5-day
Use Case
Price Performance Treasuries 5-day as of last Friday.
Performance Treasuries Year-to-date
Use Case
Price Performance Treasuries Year-to-date as of last Friday.
Performance Gold 5-day
Use Case
Price Performance Gold 5-day as of last Friday.
Performance Gold Year-to-date
Use Case
Price Performance Gold Year-to-date as of last Friday.
Performance Emerging Markets 5-day
Use Case
Price Performance Emerging Markets 5-day as of last Friday.
Performance Emerging Markets Year-to-date
Use Case
Price Performance Emerging Markets Year-to-date as of last Friday.
Performance Oil 5-day
Use Case
Price Performance Oil 5-day as of last Friday.
Performance Oil Year-to-date
Use Case
Price Performance Oil Year-to-date as of last Friday.