Dropdowns & Filters
Select Indexes
Applies Index Selection to all Charts and the Table in the Page.
Use Case
You can select the index if you want to narrow down the universe of stocks you want to rank to a selected Index.
Select Sector
Applies Sector Selection to all Charts and the Table in the Page.
Use Case
You can select the index if you want to narrow down the universe of stocks you want to rank to a selected Sector.
Aggregate by Sector, Industry and/or Company
Applies Aggregation Method to Table in the Page.
Use Case
When you select 'Custom Tables,' it is possible to aggregate results by company, industry, and/or sector. When you select from the dropdown menu, the first category you select will be the main segment and subsequent selections will be nested under the primary category.
Advanced Filter Top Right
Applies Screening Criteria to the Selected Indexes and Sectors.
Use Case
This filter on the top right of the index analysis page allows you to get analytics on your custom selection criteria.