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Dropdowns & Filters

Select Theme

Applies Theme Selection to all tables in the Page.

Use Case

You can select the index if you want to narrow down the universe of stocks you want to rank to a selected Theme.

Apply Advanced ESG Screening

Applies ESG Screening Selection to all tables in the Page.

Use Case

You can apply the ESG screening filter if you want to narrow down the universe of stocks you want to rank to a ESG screened

Select Investment Style

Applies Selection of Investment Style out of 12 available philosophies

Use Case

The dropdown shows the investment philosophies to rank securities: quality, quality-momentum, quality-momentum-growth, momentum, value, value-growth, value-momentum, value-quality, growth, growth-momentum, low-risk, low-risk-momentum.

Keyword Typing Field: Industry or Thematic

Applies selection of subsector and topic from keywords typed into the field.

Use Case

For specific needs, it is possible to type precise industries of interest.